Archive for November, 2007


Posted in Uncategorized on November 30, 2007 by Crismaru3

Hey everyone the “Yeller Puff” ( Yellow puffle) is here!!!!!!! I have one!!!! To see what it does look below!!!!


I’m a member again!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on November 28, 2007 by baymer1

Hey I am a member and it’s cool!!!!!! so I got a new outfit and stuff!!!! I’m working on my igloo so if you wanna see me i’m on mammoth my igloo will be open!!!!!

With all due respect,


Baymer3 I’m Sorry!!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on November 26, 2007 by baymer1

sorry.jpgHey this is to Baymer3 so don’t bother to read!!!

Dear Baymer3,

          I’m SOOOO sorry for what I did so please read this!!!! I’m not going to quit the site none of that crap!!!!! I just wanna be your friend!!! So please if you have changed the password change it back!!!  I’M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                  With all due respect,


        P.S I hope this isn’t my last ” With all due respect”!!!!

        P.S.S I’m not making my own site ok??????

         P.S.S.S You don’t have to reply to this post but I’m just saying PLEASE PLEASE don’t change the password!!! DON’T!!!!!

          P.S.S.S.S I hope the pic convinces you!

           P.S.S.S.S.S This is our longets post EVER!!!!


            P.S.S.S.S.S.S.S Meet me a our original and go to your igloo theres a surprise…

Western party!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on November 25, 2007 by baymer1

Hello the western party is here and I don’t like it that much! And I voted 4 it! The only part I like is the bonfire I missed that during camp penguin. Well There are 2 backrounds and a bandana! Sorry no picture!!!

 With all due respect,


Secret Penguins at work

Posted in Uncategorized on November 24, 2007 by baymer1

 Hey all of you viewers Cris and me plain on adding a new page to our site we don’t  know when were putting it out though.

So you may not care a lot, but theirs a catc. If you guess what it is we will meet you live on club penguin just tell u when and where. We will also be your buddy. We know it may not sound that fun so we added a another catch. WE  WILL PUT YOU ON A VIDEO. we do not know when we are putting it on though!


Posted in Uncategorized on November 22, 2007 by baymer1

Hey Thankgiving is here and it’s awesome!!! Too bad the Club Penguin moderators didn’t establish a Thnksgiving party Well that’s all!

                            With all due respect,



Posted in Uncategorized on November 14, 2007 by baymer1

Hello the surprise is WP (Weekly Penguin)!!!  The WP will be made every week and they a videos!!!!!! Baymer3 just downloaded Hypercam and we can make vids and we came up with the Weekly Penguin! Well that’s all!

With all due respect,


Story! (By Yours Truly Cris3!)

Posted in Uncategorized on November 13, 2007 by baymer1

Here’s my stories,

The penny that we gave to the children makes them feel like crap, so just exploded and the parents complained. They came to the shop but we just smiled and gave them a pop-out card. They opened and they exploded because the pop-out was the middle finger and it got really mad so they just exploded so grandpa came with a rocket launcher. He walked in the shop, and he shot Santa and ate his head. But the grandpa didn’t know that he had Jesse the Guitar-Chainsaw man and he cut his head off. The elves were so mad that all of them just exploded. The only elf left had his legs popped off and the grandma came and saw her husband dead she got mad so she ate the legless elf and then she exploded including the whole North Pole.

Now you see that just because Santa gave the kid a penny instead of a new Dell laptop computer which costs at least $3,552 bucks he made everyone cannibals. What a sad ending = (

With all due respect,


I pooped then I found out I was magic. But then Jesse came and cut off my head which got me mad and I exploded so I popped in his mouth then he said “ Yummmmm!!!!!” So then I used my magical powers and came back alive and I killed him the legendary Jesse the Chainsaw-Guitar Man. So then I took his chainsaw-guitar and cut everyone’s head off. Finally, I was the most wanted in all of the universe even when I was sleeping an alien came and put a suicide bomb in my bed but, he was a retarded alien so he actually put it on himself and he exploded . So, my house was on fire, a dead retarded alien is on my floor, and Iam the most wanted person in the universe. Can this day get any worse? Yes it can. So then since that guy told me that I through a grenade at him at him and his head popped off so I ate him. So then I went to the bank and a person said “ OH MY GOD!! IT’S THE KILLER!!!!!”. So I ate his head along with everyone else’s.

With all due respect,



Posted in Uncategorized on November 13, 2007 by baymer1

Hello there’s a surprise that Baymer3 and I have made this evening at his igloo. Find out Wednesday! try to guess what it is….

With all due respect,


The new U.F.O. Pin!

Posted in Uncategorized on November 12, 2007 by baymer1
