Archive for December, 2007

Fire works!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on December 31, 2007 by baymer1

fire-works-new-year.jpgFire works at the mountin. not edit

Happy new years eve

Posted in Uncategorized on December 31, 2007 by baymer1

Count to 1000!

Posted in Uncategorized on December 24, 2007 by baymer1

Dear viewers,

We are doing some thing for X-mas.

Since X-mas is coming up we are doing some thing with count to 1000.


So when your on count to 1000 start at 995!

YOu can only do it once every week, so that is what we are going to do. if you don’t follow the rules it wont count!

The new X-mas rooms

Posted in Uncategorized on December 22, 2007 by baymer1

x-mas-rooms.jpgSome of the other new rooms are  the dock, the beach, and almost al the other rooms, but the mine, and dojo

The new X-mas pin

Posted in Uncategorized on December 22, 2007 by baymer1


I’m might not be posting for a while…

Posted in Uncategorized on December 22, 2007 by Crismaru3

Well of am going to my dad’s over Christmas Eve aand Christmas day!!!! So I might not be posting for a little while!!! Oh yeah right.. Spongeboyak and I have joined together so now we are a team and buds and stuff!!! So be sure to check out Spongeboyak’s site!!!!! <———–CLICK HERE NOW!!!!!!

With all due respect,


Must Know!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on December 18, 2007 by baymer1

We have joined Spongeboyak’s site!

You might be seeing some posts by us!

Over and Out!


A little bit more on mods!

Posted in Uncategorized on December 16, 2007 by baymer1

I think i know some thing about mods!

This may be right or not.

Ok type in a Mods name and any pass.

then if it says their banded then sorry, but if it says wrong pass then go on you penguin.

go to a server that says theirs a buddy on it and their really isn’t a buddy look around their might be a beta or a mod!

P.S. this may only work on my Computers


Posted in Uncategorized on December 12, 2007 by baymer1

Cris3 is having a Christmas party at his igloo!!!! for any other imformation on it look at the invitation!!!!


                                                   With all due respect,


Friend List is open!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on December 12, 2007 by baymer1

Well I thought and thought, for a Christmas present and I came up of one!!! My friends list is now open till I get to 100 friends!!! So if you see me Somewhere around actind weird on Club Penguin or Dizzywood take your time to say hi! And I’ll add you! Just Say “Hey Cris!” and I’ll add you! Here’s a picture of my friend list,


With all due respect,
