Archive for February, 2008

Please Visit

Posted in Uncategorized on February 14, 2008 by baymer1

Their is a new site I want you to look at.

It is new.

Please visit



Posted in Uncategorized on February 13, 2008 by baymer1

This is where all of the rating of the sites will be.

Here is a very short vid for a long laugh!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on February 13, 2008 by baymer1

<embed style=”width:400px; height:326px;” id=”VideoPlayback” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” src=”; mce_src=”; flashvars=””> </embed>
<BR>Found at <a href=”; mce_href=””>Funny Stuff Central</a>, the Home of <a href=”; mce_href=””>Funny Video Clips</a><BR>


Posted in Uncategorized on February 10, 2008 by baymer1

BREAKING NEWS!!!! (could there be a new submarine game?)

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8, 2008 by baymer1

BREAKING NEWS!!! BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!! Ok I just went to the ice berg and i saw HUGE constuction work thing!!!! What i think it is for is the Save the Migrator thing or a new Submarine thing!!!! and there is a new satge that i think is boring but that’s just me!!! look below for the pictures!!!!!


The weird project!!!

Rockhopper Departs!!! (and other things)

Posted in Blogroll, cheats, Club Penguin, cool, EVERYTHING, funny pics, halo 3, Myth Busters!, Uncategorized, virtusl games on February 3, 2008 by baymer1

Rockhopper departed a few days ago!!! He used his little paddle boat! lol! And penguins have made up a new thing called, “Rally for Rockhopper”, which I think  And uh… sorry about the inactivity we’re REALLY busy! The is a NEW nespaper that came out Thursday, which involves, the Rally for Rockhopper, the NEW Stage, the Featured Room which is the Coffee Shop & Book Room, and Ask Aunt Artic and title is “Songbird”! And WE can ACCTUALY start the Weekly Penguin!! If you don’t the what the Weekly Penguin (WP) is, it is a news video that comes out EVERY Thursday! We couldn’t do it before because, something was wrong with our computers! We will still post things here at the home page, but if you wanna see it movie wise,  just watch WP! We will show the picture below on each news post!


 The “Save the Migrator” project!


 Rh on his paddle boat!!! 😆


The new newapaper!!


The WP ad!!!

                                                        With all due respect,


Protected: poop

Posted in Uncategorized on February 3, 2008 by baymer1

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Posted in Uncategorized on February 2, 2008 by baymer1

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

New catalog

Posted in Uncategorized on February 2, 2008 by baymer1

Their are a white suit mer made suit and diver suit, and if you remember you could get that last year!club penguin is selling things again over!