Archive for April, 2008

Magic Eye Contests!!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 27, 2008 by Crismaru3

Welcome to Magic Eye Contests!!! This is a contest that’ll show a picture of just different colors. You’ll have to make ouit whats hidden in that picture! Here’s some methods to find out what it is:

  • Hold the center of the printed image right up to your nose. It should be blurry. Focus as though you are looking through the image into the distance. Very slowly move the image away from your face until the two squares above the image turn into three squares. If you see four squares, move the image farther away from your face until you see three squares. If you see one or two squares, start over!
  • Try that cross eyed too!

Here’s an example of one:

Click here for the answer!

Here’s the rules:

  • No copying our ideas
  • Once you have your answer comment (The first comment that has the right answer will win!)
  • You MUST say you e-mail in order to get yur prize!
  • If you win e-mail us your name and password at or (we will not ban you and you can turn on ultimate chat if you want!)
  • Be sure to think about your answers!
  • Some have the ability to see Magic Eyes, some people don’t, so don’t get sad if you lose!
  • There’ll be a contest every week!

The prizes are:

5,000 coins! provided by Baymer

Chatbox mod provided by Crismaru (optional)

Member of B&C inc.

And a LIFE TIME supplie of CHEETOS!!! 😆 jkjk lol!

Here’s this weeks picture:

Focus hard and you’ll get it!! Good luck! P.S there’s a new on every week!

This is a game i made. Its called Impossible because well you know!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 27, 2008 by baymer1

Make Your Own Game


Posted in Uncategorized on April 27, 2008 by Crismaru3

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:

OH NO!!!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 27, 2008 by baymer1

This is a pole we made!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 23, 2008 by baymer1
  • Dizzy wood
  • Club penguin
  • Battle on

To vote click the title.

This is a Search engine We made!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 19, 2008 by baymer1

Posted in Uncategorized on April 19, 2008 by baymer1

NEW!Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

New Club Penguin!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 15, 2008 by baymer1

Dear all viewers,

their is a new version of club penguin!

The actual game is the same, but the home page is awesome!

Some people like me can’t load it all the way because it is to advances and you need like a new program and junk like that.

So you might not see me on Club Penguin for a little bit.

All Viewers!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 14, 2008 by baymer1

We would like YOU to advertise for US!
What did you say? Why would we do that?
Well, because if you tell us how you did you will get money on club penguin!


Posted in Uncategorized on April 14, 2008 by baymer1