Archive for December, 2008

Frosty The Snowman (The REAL Story)

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 14, 2008 by Crismaru3

One day, kids were bored. It was snowing. Then they jumped out the window and ran outside. They built a Snowman. They named him Frosty. A hat flew on his head. He came to life. This scared the children. One died, one fainted, and one ran away, but one stayed. It was a little girl name Girl.

She was an orphan. That’s why she’s called girl. They didn’t know her name. Frosty said he was nice. Then, a bad guy came. His name was MEAN!! Now, MEAN!! was mad. He was mad because he got ripped off at Wal-Mart. He was on a rampage. He had a flamethrower. He was catching little kids on fire. He ran over to frosty. He caught Girl on fire. She screamed and fell to the ground and rolled. Frosty said “That was not nice!”. Girl started crying. This made Frosty mad. Madder! MADDEST!! He punched MEAN!! and Girl. Left a BIG old scar. But, the little girl was happy now. MEAN!! ran away. Then Frosty went towards a train. But there was a highway you had to pass. It was very busy. He just started walking. Eventually he reached the road. A guy in a car saw a big white clump ahead. He floored it. And then… BANG!!! Frosty was hit at 132mph. Girl cried. But She saw Frosty already on the train. She ran across the street. She made it. But a cool car came. She saw something come out of it. Could it be, no, maybe…… A HUGE MISSILE! Girl ran as fast as she could, but it was no use. She was hit and flew over into the cart. They rid the train to the North Pole. MEAN!! Hid on the train. He was SuPeR MaD!!!! They made it to the North pole. Girl was cold. Frosty made a fire. He held her over it. He dropped her on accident. She caught on fire. She rolled around. Frosty got water. He put it on her. Then a retarded bunny came. He was drinking Methane. He was cold. He got up to the fire and in and instant………KAAAAAAAAAAABOOOOOOOOOM!!! It caught everyone on fire. Frosty put water on them. They then found Santa. They danced around all day. Then Frosty found something. He said “I’ve never seen a round piece of grass before!”. Santa said That it was not grass! BOOM!! It was a grenade. Then MEAN!! came up behind Santa with a big old flamethrower and FWISH!!!!! Santa was on fire! He rolled around. He was saying crap like Why? Eventually, he was ashes. This made Frosty mad . He started eating snow. He Multiplied in size. Soon he was 500 feet tall! Girl hugged him. Long story short, she was stomped on. Then, Optimus Prime came in. He got out a Flamethrower. He melted Frosty. But frosty gave him a cookie. Tick….Tick…Tick…Toooock………………BOOOM!!

The End, By Baymer1 and Crismaru3

Lol When I was reading over it i cried!


Posted in Uncategorized on December 11, 2008 by Crismaru3

Hey this is cris and we”re making TONS of updates to the site! Have u notice the snow(it’s everywhere)? Lol. I am gonna post or update daily, or at least I’ll try to. Idk what bays gonna do. So just expect more updates from the site. Im going Christmasy though. I will make a new header and decorations!