Wanna Meet?

Comment below if you want to meet us!

Correct way to comment:

Hello I would like to meet you at,

Flag: England

Server: Frozen

Time: 5:00pm PST ( Penguin Standerd Time) 11/24/07

Wrong way to post,

Frozen Nightclub BE THERE!!!!!!!

So you get the picture…

3 Responses to “Wanna Meet?”

  1. Hey its me Baymer3.
    Just be their at Penguin Standerd time. If you don’t know central time ask you parents what time it is in Penguin Standerd and we will under stand if you a little late.

    P.S. WE CAN’T ALWAYS MAKE IT TO YOU! we will do our best.

  2. Hey I’ll meet you in club penguin just not at that time because its past that!

  3. hello my penguin is arian654 at 7:00 pst on the 19th of october 08 server:yukon at the cove. I REALLY WANT TO MEET U IVE ME 1 FAMOUS PERSON

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